23 August − 23 Octobet 2019

… And I came up with a model of the city, — answered Marco, — from which I deduce all the rest. That city is entirely made up of exceptions, prohibitions, absurdities, contradictions, all kinds of nonsense … It’s enough to remove in any order just exceptions from my model to finally run at the one of the cities.

Italo Calvino

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Vasilisa Moiseeva

LEGO — City

Vasilisa Moiseeva in the ''Lego-City'' project, by using Saint Petersburg as an example, makes a sad forecast that in the nearest future our cities can turn into the ''cities-lego-constructors''.

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Elena GoVorenkova

District number 19

Elena Govorenkova’s project ''19-th District '' is a metaphor for understanding the framework into which a person drives himself, dreaming of his own apartment in Saint Petersburg, entering into a relationship with a mortgage. The author visualizes his emotions and creates an invisible city with its own rules of a game.

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Alla Konstantinova

All that is Cosmos !

Alla Konstantinova, in the project with an ironic title «All that is Cosmos ! «, is looking for its traces and presence in the city ''Korolev'', the unofficial capital of the Russian cosmonautics, where she moved to live from Moscow and where everything is not as obvious as it would seem.

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Zoya Alsharawneh

Magic Carpet

The story began when the author left her house on June 12, 2005 and no longer lived in it for more than three months in row in the year. The invisible city, like a carpet, in the project of Zoya Alsharineveh ''Magic Carpet'', is woven from details and landscapes of two different places: the native Crimea and the new residence in Saudi Arabia, allowing her to move in time and space without borders and frames, and tell us her personal oriental tales.

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Daniil Demkin

The Wild Island

In the project ''Wild Island'', Daniil Dyomkin interprets, in relation to modern reality, the ancient Aboriginal myth that his native Sakhalin island is a living creature, a sort of beast that, due to its natural needs, shakes off people like lices in its fur, and thus does not allow the development of the island.

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Marina Kaydalova


Interested in the legend on the underground city, built by the order of Stalin because of the nuclear threat war, Marina Kaydalova in the project ''Undeground '' acts as a detective who is looking for his tracks at the Vorobyovy Hills in Moscow. She walks around the traps left by the builders and collects explicit and implicit evidence of its presence.

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Yuriy Pavlov


Yuri Pavlov in the project ''Garden '' in his journey through the sleeping areas of Tallinn, compiles his catalog of paradise pieces of residents gardens. The basis of this city plan was laid by the ideas of English architect Ebenizer Howard, which in that case continue to live on. The author also includes the interior details of his apartment and the photo negatives of the estates, reminiscent the amber- one of the Paradise presence symbols on Earth.

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Yuliya Pavlova

Paper ship

''Paper boat'' is a project in which there is an experience of certain areas of Saint Petersburg where Yulia Pavlova lived after moving to it from her native city. The initial romantic perception of the city as a water artery, the search for imaginary canals in sleeping city areas and the canals demolished at Vasilievsky Island in XVIII century, allow the author to create a personal map of the city.

I suggested to the exhibition participants to reflect and visualize their city, invisible or unnoticed by other people due to various circumstances, which could eventually become a new model of Utopia, an excursion route or an example of true affection to the city in which they live.

Curator Ekaterina Vasilyeva

Wall is a virtual space dedicated to holding online exhibitions, so vital in the current art market in Russia today. In addition to group and individual projects which are the result of many months collaboration in the proposed topic of the curator Ekaterina Vasilyeva and a team of photographers / photographer, interviews and material useful for development and inspiration in the framework of the exhibition will be also published at the platform.


Vasilisa Moiseeva

Elena Govorenkova

Alla Konstantinova

Zoya Alsharineveh

Daniil Dyomkin

Marina Kaydalova

Yuri Pavlov

Yulia Pavlova